jyrki karvinen

Jyrki Karvinen nobg

It’s time for the impact economy

With my network of professionals, I help companies to grow in a sustainable way. I call it the impact economy as a difference from the current production economy, which, while focusing on the growth of the gross domestic product, does not sufficiently take into account the negative social or environmental effects caused by man. On the contrary, today’s sustainability reporting can show that a company operates in a very sustainable way, although at the same time it can destroy nature and people’s health elsewhere, increase social problems or does not respect human rights

In the impact economy, responsibility, sustainability and naturalness are done in advance. Then we also know before the company expands that all issues related to responsibility are in order, which makes it easy also for small companies to do any kind of sustainability reporting.

My personal strengths are related especially to communication and influence. I know domestic and international media very well being also a creative writer. My advice for your business can be of invaluable help at the local, state and EU or other international level.

My network includes experienced business management consultants, financiers, think tanks, experts in communication and social media, as well as former political decision-makers and diplomats.

When you need small or big help to develop and grow your company or to solve a current problem, get in touch.

Jyrki Karvinen
Tel. +358-45 2588451

Some references

 In 2019-2021, I was involved in lobbying and communication in Finland’s 10 billion euro fighter procurement in cooperation with the British defense company BAE Systems, www.baesystems.com

We have promoted BioEnergo’s, www.bioenergo.fi, 300 million euro bioconversion plant investment in Pori.

In November 2023, an Estonian customer online manufacturer Fractory, www.fractory.com, received a significant investment from the new Finnish capital investor Kvanted, because the background work had also been done well but discreetly.

Among various organizations, I want to mention the Kielilähettiläät, www.kielilahettilaat.fi association, which promotes the study of the Swedish language in Finland. The association, which started from zero, has been a great growth success with our support and it already operates in Sweden in addition to Finland.

And sometimes you also have to take heavy things more lightly: In November 2023, we were a partner of Erica Roiko’s Kipinä Event, www.kipinaevent.fi, organizing a sustainable development business-rock event in Levi, Lapland, where the main speaker was Iron Maiden’s Bruce Dickinson.

Last but not least we know the European Union, NATO and many international organizations with more than 30 years of experience. It means detailed knowledge of the European Commission and the European Parliament and how the EU works.